Qlogview 0.34 : text-mode
Smehl		-1010101010-1010******
Negari		11011*1*-1110??***--1*
Drasir		-101010-10*10101######
Suma		-1010-101010-****1010-
Qask		10--1010-1010--???????
Frew		10****1--110**1010*###
Tarazed		**1**???-**10**-??????
Dubina		-1--11----1-1---**--**
Murky		-11--1-1**############
Vithrak		-----110---1----1-1**-
Olgren		-10**#################
Gerrend		1-10-----==--??-1--10-
Slouth		1--11---??????????????
Arrel		?*####################
Ulster		---???????????????????

Blight		--1101010-1101-10110-1
Greg		--10-101-11010**10-101
Belorn		-1-101010**10-11110-10
Zortak		10**-**10**-10***10-10
Zuleika		-1010--10-?-11010--**-
Tyrun		101010**-10**10-----10
Haninah		-10--1---11111-1010-10
Cavin		-1---1---1---1--11-1-1
Fenmore		**1-11*###############
Nyxos		-11*##################
Rileon		**####################
Torinik 	1**-1**--***--**1----1
Yakuza		--1**---1****?????????
Sorina		--1---????????????????

Notalya 	??????????????-101010*
Zice		??????????????????11-1

 '1'     - The characted did something profitable during that round
 '0'     - Was unable to do anything due own actions (failed bash etc.)
 '*'     - Was unable to do anything due the enemy actions (being bashed)
 '-'     - Didn't act though had the chance
 '#'     - Perished
 '?'     - Whereabouts unknown