tirannon.iki.fi/ arctic/ sissi

Arctic : Sissi

Short history of the Battle Brigade in Arctic

Thought I publish logs mostly unedited, I'll try to remove/edit some individual lines revealing some unpublic features of the game. Thanks for Chris Dowling to point this out.

In the beginning

Even after Tribe disbanded Jesse was still fixated on hunting all finns he could spot, never telling reasons or why such hatred. So forming a group to fight him and his associates was about the only solution.

Eventually Jesse losts his elite mage to our trap and deleted his chars, but the Brigade kept going, sidetracked on small scale wars it didn't really wany.


Going after bigger fishes

Tempest wants war

Tthe logs describing later events missing, perhaps will be added later. In brief, Duende got killed in trap and deleted all his chars shortly after. War with Tempest was ceased, both agreeing it wasn't any fun to fight each other trash chars (at least we didnt think we were using much trash..). Nyobe got slayed later for being foolhardy poofer, and there wasnt much use for the Bridage.

Lasse Antero Vartiainen <lav@iki.fi>
Last modified: Fri Jan 26 03:51:18 2001